"Kaun Banega Crorepati", India's benchmark knowledge-based game show hosted by Big B Amitabh Bachchan, will soon enter into its ninth season and this time the show will have some new features added to it. With the sole focus of revolutionising the already ground breaking game show, the add-ons are almost assured to make it even more popular among the fans.
The first is Video-A-Friend, that replaces the older helpline Phone-A-Friend. Earlier, contestants were able to make voice calls to one of their acquaintances during the show and ask for their help. Now, they'll be given the chance to make video calls instead, making the process a bit easier.
The second added feature comes in the form of eradication of the huge cheques and allows the winners to get the prize money directly in their bank account instead of getting a huge cheque. This will definitely save a lot of resources and hassle as well. This also means that the iconic massive cheques will no longer be seen on our tv sets.
Another big twist in the game will bring the viewers and players to the edge of their seats with the introduction of a jackpot question for Rs 7 crore! This humongous once-in-a-lifetime shot will be an all or nothing deal and will make all the remaining lifelines of the contestants to terminate.
A new life-line ‘Jodidaar' has also been introduced, wherein the participant has the optional advantage of bringing along a partner to join him/her on the hot seat.
"We are happy to present a fast-paced, thrilling, technologically upgraded season 9 of KBC," stated Danish Khan, Executive Vice President and Business Head, Sony Entertainment Television.
Amitabh expressed his feelings for the show by calling it meaningful for viewers and "close to my heart".This year, the show has already received a registration of 19.8 million over seven days which is a record in itself.